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General terms and conditions

1. Service provider data:

Operator: Quality Group Kft.

Headquarters: 1037 Budapest, Kisbojtár u. 31.

Tax number: 14442858-2-41

NTAK registration number: EG23057088

Service address: 8623 Balatonföldvár Árnyas lakópark 16., Tel.: +36 70 658 3772


2. General rules:

(a) These "General Terms and Conditions" - hereinafter: GTC - regulate the conditions for using the Optimus Residence accommodation operated by the service provider at 8623 Balatonföldvár Árnyas lakópark 16 and related services provided by the service provider.

(b) These General Terms and Conditions do not exclude the conclusion of special or unique agreements with travel agencies, travel agents, tour operators, or other persons who cooperate with the service provider in the long term in order to sell the service provider's services.


3. The contracting party:

(a) The contracting party is a natural person, legal person, or business company without legal personality who orders or uses the services of the service provider. A contracting party is also the natural person who actually uses the services of the service provider. The person ordering and/or using the service is hereinafter collectively referred to as: guest.

(b) The service provider and the guest, if the conditions are met, become contracting parties to the service agreement as necessary - hereinafter collectively: contracting parties.


4. Creation of the service contract, the course of the reservation, modification of the reservation:

(a) The service provider will send an offer to the guest within 36 hours of receipt of the request for a quote sent by the guest in writing - by e-mail or through the reservation system of the website.

(b) The service contract is established by the written confirmation of the order - reservation - service provider placed by the guest, and in view of this written confirmation, the order - reservation - is considered a written contract. A verbal order and/or amendment to an order creates a contractual obligation only if it has been confirmed in writing by the service provider, verbal confirmation of the order or order amendment by the service provider does not create a contractual obligation.

(c) The contract concluded for the use of the service is for a fixed period.

(d) In the event that the guest decides before the end of the fixed period that he does not wish to use the service until the end of the fixed period, he is still obliged to pay the full price of the service to the service provider, and the service provider is entitled to the full price of the ordered service to demand its consideration. The service provider is entitled to resell accommodation left by the guest before the end of the fixed period.

(e) The guest is entitled to the extension of the service only if the service provider agrees in writing no later than the day before the end of the fixed period.

(f) Amendments to the service contract are only possible with the written consent of the contracting parties.


5. Cancellation conditions:

(a) The guest (customer) can cancel his reservation if he indicates his intention to cancel in writing to the accommodation. The service provider will refund the reservation fee paid for the canceled reservation to the account number indicated by the guest, if the cancellation is made more than 7 days before the arrival time. In case of cancellation within 7 days before arrival, the entire amount of the reservation will be deducted.

(b) The service provider reserves the right to establish conditions set out in individual contracts different from the above in the case of booking its products subject to special conditions, such as special offers, or in the case of events.


6. Prices applied by the service provider:

(a) The valid prices of the accommodation are the prices indicated on the website

(b) The service provider has the right to freely change its prices at any time without prior notification, provided that this does not apply to the prices that it has already offered in its quotation at the request of the contracting party.

(c) When announcing the prices, the service provider is obliged to indicate the tax content of the prices - such as general sales tax, tourism tax - as determined by law. The service provider reserves the right to transfer additional charges to the contracting party and/or the guest without prior notice in the event of a change in legislation.

(d) The service provider is entitled to set prices in Hungarian forints and in any convertible currency.

(e) The service provider undertakes to publish its current prices, current promotions, discounts and other offers on the website operated by it.


7. Method of payment and its guarantee:

(a) The service provider indicates the total amount of the ordered services, calculated for the entire stay, on the written confirmation it sends to the guest. The guest can settle the amount calculated for the duration of the stay by bank card payment or bank transfer. To finalize the reservation, you send 100% of the total amount to the service provider by immediate bank card payment or by bank transfer or SZÉP card credit within 3 working days after the reservation. The reservation is guaranteed upon receipt of the reservation fee.


In the case of an online reservation on the hotel's website, it is possible to settle the value of the reservation in the following ways:

Online bank card payment: OTP SimplePay

Bank cards accepted: Maestro, MasterCard, Visa, Visa Electron, Diners Club, American Express

Online payment with SZÉP card: OTP Szép Card, MKB Szép Card, K&H SZÉP Card


The booking fee does not include the Tourist Tax, which must be paid separately in advance by bank transfer or in cash upon arrival.


8. Method and conditions of using the service:

(a) The guest can book the apartment ordered and confirmed by the service provider from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. on the day of arrival - check in - and must leave it by 10:00 a.m. on the last day of stay - check out.

(b) In the event that the guest wishes to occupy the apartment on the day of arrival before the check-in time specified in point 8.(a), he may do so for an additional fee depending on the available capacity.

(c) The service provider does not allow its guests to accommodate or bring in pets.

(d) The service provider is entitled to terminate the contract for accommodation services with immediate effect or refuse to provide the service if:

a) the guest does not use the apartment made available to him as intended, or uses the services provided by the service provider and/or the premises used to provide them as intended,

b) the guest disrupts the hotel's policy and does not stop the disruptive behavior despite being told to do so,

c) the guest does not comply with the safety regulations of the accommodation - e.g.: smokes in the house and does not stop smoking despite being told to do so,

d) the guest behaves in an objectionable manner, is rude, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, threatens, insults, or exhibits other unacceptable behavior. Child or guests who are unable to take care of themselves are also not allowed to use the accommodation's services.

f) the contracting party or the guest does not fulfill the payment guarantee obligation required by the service provider by the date specified by the service provider.


(e) If the contract between the contracting parties is not fulfilled due to force majeure, the contract is terminated.

(f) The guest uses all the services of the accommodation at his own risk during the entire stay.

(g) The guest acknowledges that, for security reasons, surveillance cameras operate in the external area of the accommodation and consents to the recording and storage of the recording.


9. The rights of the guest:

(a) according to the contract, the guest is entitled to use the ordered apartment and the facilities of the accommodation, which are part of the usual range of services and do not fall under the scope of the special conditions.

(b) the guest may file a complaint regarding the performance of the services provided by the service provider. The service provider undertakes to investigate the complaint submitted to it in writing or orally on the spot and entered into the minutes within 72 hours of receipt of the complaint and to provide the guest with a meaningful response.


10. Obligations of the guest:

(a) the guest is obliged to pay the consideration for the services ordered in the contract to the service provider no later than in the manner and by the time specified in the contract.

(b) the guest is obliged to immediately report the damage to the accommodation provider and to provide the owner with all necessary information that is necessary to clarify the circumstances of the damage, and that is necessary for a possible infringement or criminal procedure.


11. The guest's responsibility for compensation:

(a) the guest is obliged to pay for all damages caused by the service provider or a third party caused by the guest or his companion or persons under the supervision of any of these persons.

(b) the guest's obligation to compensate exists even if he is entitled to demand compensation for the damage of the injured party directly from the service provider.

12. Rights of the service provider:

(a) if the guest does not comply with his obligation to pay for the services used or ordered but not used, the service provider has a right of lien on the property of the guests that he brought with him to the accommodation to secure his claims.


13. Obligations of the service provider:

(a) the service provider is obliged to provide the accommodation and other services ordered under the contract in accordance with the applicable regulations and service standards.

(b) the service provider is obliged to investigate the guest's written complaint and deal with the problem


14. Liability of the service provider for compensation:

(a) the responsibility of the service provider does not extend to damage events that occurred due to an unavoidable cause beyond the scope of the service provider's employees and guests, or were caused by the guest or those under his supervision.

(b) the service provider reserves the right to designate a place(s) within the accommodation where the guest may not enter. The service provider is obliged to clearly mark such places. The service provider is not responsible for damages that occur to the guest or those under his/her supervision in the place(s) where the guest is not allowed to enter.

(c) the service provider's responsibility for compensation exists only if it is reported to the service provider immediately after the occurrence of the damage with the necessary data.

(d) the responsibility of the service provider does not extend to the contracting party's packages and their contents upon arrival and departure, unloading and loading, and during transport to and from the accommodation.


15. Confidentiality:

(a) in the course of fulfilling its contractual obligations, the service provider is obliged to comply with Article CXII of 2011 on the right to self-determination of information and freedom of information. act and the provisions of the relevant legislation related to data protection - and if the guest has brought this to the attention of the service provider - to act according to the relevant internal rules of the contracting party.


16. Force majeure:

(a) reasons and circumstances (e.g.: war, fire, flood, bad weather, power outage, strike, etc.) over which neither the service provider, nor the guest, nor the contracting party can control - force majeure - any party are released from fulfilling their obligations arising from the contract as long as this reason or circumstance exists. The contracting parties agree that they will do their best to minimize the possibility of the occurrence of these causes and circumstances and to remedy the damage or delay caused by this as soon as possible.


17. Applicable law and the court of jurisdiction in the legal relationship of the contracting parties:

(a) the provisions of Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code of the Republic of Hungary shall be applied accordingly to the legal relationship between the contracting parties.

(b) for the conduct of legal proceedings related to disputed issues related to the contract, the contracting parties stipulate the exclusive jurisdiction based on submission of the Central District Court of Pest, or in the absence of such jurisdiction, the exclusive jurisdiction based on submission of the Metropolitan Court.



1. By using the services available on the Service Provider's website, the User accepts the conditions listed here.

2. The Service Provider has made every reasonable effort to ensure that all information provided on the website is accurate at the time it was uploaded. Despite this, the Service Provider does not expressly or impliedly assume any responsibility or guarantee for the information provided through the website, and reserves the right to make changes and corrections at any time without notice, or to partially or fully modify the website or the information provided on it. eliminate it.

3. The Service Provider is not responsible for any inaccuracies or deficiencies on the website. The offers are not legally binding and do not constitute an obligation for the Service Provider in any form. Any decision based on the information on the website is the User's own responsibility.

4. The Service Provider is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from access to the website or any information found there, or from its failure or use.

5. The Service Provider is not responsible for content created, forwarded, stored, made available or published by third parties to which the Service Provider's website is linked or to which the website refers.

6. The Service Provider does not guarantee that access to the website will be continuous or error-free. The Service Provider is not responsible for any damages, losses, or costs that may occur as a result of the use of the website, its unusable condition, improper operation, malfunction, unauthorized change of data by anyone, or that result from information transmission delays, computer viruses, line - or they originate from a system error or other similar reason.

7. The Service Provider - treats all information regarding the persons, data and existing business relationships of its customers, partners and other clients as business secrets. Only the relevant data provider can grant an exemption from treatment as a business secret. The Service Provider treats all data sent to it via the Internet with the same protection as if they had been made available by other means.

8. Copyright

8.1. The Service Provider's website, all visual, audio and textual content on it and their arrangement, especially names, logos and graphics, brochures, analyzes and other informational materials are protected by copyright.

8.2. The use of all or part of the content of the website in any form, in particular reproduction, transfer, distribution, modification or storage, in addition to personal use, is only possible with the express written permission of the Service Provider.

8.3. The entire content of the website is owned and at the disposal of the Service Provider. The content of this website is protected by copyright. If Article LXXVI of 1999 on copyright unless otherwise provided by law, no part of the website may be copied or published without the prior written consent of the Service Provider.

8.4. For personal use, the user is permitted to store or print out the content or extracts of the website on a computer.

8.5. The sender is solely responsible for the content of messages uploaded to the website or sent to the Service Provider and for the veracity and accuracy of the information contained therein. The website is a service provided to visitors. The Service Provider reserves the right to modify or supplement the content of the website at any time without justification or notification.

8.6. Website use that differs from or violates the terms and conditions of the Service Provider detailed above may result in copyright, civil and criminal consequences. The Service Provider will take action against any violation of law that it becomes aware of.

9. If any condition of the legal declaration is considered invalid according to the applicable legislation, this does not affect the validity of the other conditions.

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